Self education for your heart, mind, and soul with coaching to create a radiant, fulfilling life.

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The DreamBuilder Program was created by the founder of the Brave Thinking Institute, Mary Morrissey. She has put in over 40 years of experience into creating this proven, reliable system of support to transform your life and give you the results you would love.

The structure of support for this 12 week program will unlock the answer to what you would love for your life, what is your soul’s purpose in such a way, that you are crystal clear. When you are crystal clear on what you would love to create, have, give or do, you will naturally feel more confident and have more courage to go after it. Thousands of people around the world have successfully used this system to discover and create a fulfilling life that they love.

I will take you through the process of knowing what your heart is longing for and what your discontent are to discover your “dream”. Then I will help you define your purpose for expressing your dream, set your goals for how your purpose will be expressed and help you become clear on the steps necessary to achieve your dream. The DreamBuilder Program is a proven system to achieve your goals and turn your dream into reality.

My own life has been transformed by the DreamBuilder Program. My dream of been a Transformational Life Coach has become a reality. My awareness has expanded and the expression of my true self is growing and expanding everyday. My heart feels so contented to be in the flow of creating and living the life that the Creator intended for my heart and soul to have.

During this powerful, step-by-step program, you will:

•Develop and expand your understanding of who you truly are, beyond your physical body. You are far more powerful than you know yourself to be!

•Uncover what your limiting beliefs are in the areas of health, money, relationships and vocational success, and how they may have been holding you back from the success you desire up until now.

•Receive access to powerful tools that will help you re-pattern your belief system, so that you begin to feel in control of your results, rather than your results controlling you. The more you practice applying these tools, the more life starts to feel easier and more in flow.

Watch an introductory video of the program, here .

Sign up for a free workshop to have an experience, here.

Book a free discovery session, here.

“Our greatest journey begins with the smallest step.”—Ammachi


The Life Mastery Series This 6 month program will empower you to transform your life by giving you the knowledge to develop self mastery in 6 key areas of life.

You can join in on any of these classes at the start of the class. We will take 4 weeks to really dive deep into each one, to expand your awareness, to give you enough time to absorb and integrate the tools into your life and create the transformation you would love.

At the end of each class we will have time for evocative coaching to help you let go of the limiting beliefs and paradigms that arises as you raise your vibration and increase your awareness.

During this powerful program, you will:

•Develop and expand your understanding of who you truly are, beyond your physical body. You are far more powerful than you know yourself to be!

•Uncover what your limiting beliefs are in the areas of health, money, relationships and vocational success, and how they may have been holding you back from the success you desire up until now.

•Receive access to powerful tools that will help you re-pattern your belief system, so that you begin to feel in control of your results, rather than your results controlling you. The more you practice applying these tools, the more life starts to feel easier and more in flow.

  1. IntentionClick here to learn more about this class.

  2. LoveClick here to learn more about this class.

  3. AbundanceClick here to learn more about this class.

  4. HealthClick here to learn more about this class.

  5. ManifestationClick here to learn more about this class.

  6. TransformationClick here to learn more about this class.

“Knowledge increases our awareness; increased awareness expands our consciousness; an expanded consciousness is the energy field where our soul awakens and expresses it self.” —Arpita


Into Your Genius In this 6 month program you will discover that you have within yourself everything you need to create a new you and a new life. Everyone is born with 6 extraordinary gifts - we know about them, but most of us were not taught how to develop and use them. This program will teach you how to harness the internal powers of your 6 mental faculties to create a life that you truly love. You will be in the driver seat controlling your mind, putting it to work to develop and express these faculties. As you unlock the hidden powers within your mental faculties, you will break free from your current circumstances to manifest new results.

You can join in on any of these topic at the beginning of each one. For each one, we will take 4 weeks to really dive deep, to expand your awareness, to give you enough time to absorb and integrate the tools into your life and create the transformation you would love. In each class we will have time for evocative and somatic coaching to help you let go of the limiting beliefs and paradigms that arises as you raise your vibration and increase your awareness.

The 6 extraordinary mental faculties of the mind will illuminate your genius and help you to create the life you love.

  1. IntuitionClick here to learn more about this class.

  2. WillClick here to learn more about this class.

  3. MemoryClick here to learn more about this class.

  4. ImaginationClick here to learn more about this class.

  5. ReasonClick here to learn more about this class.

  6. PerceptionClick here to learn more about this class.

“Everything depends on the mind” —Ammachi

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Working with the Law™ was created by Mary Morrissey and Bob Proctor from the groundbreaking book by this name, written almost a century ago, by a beautiful man of God named Raymond Holliwell.

In this 6 month program you’ll discover how to align and be in harmony with the 11 Universal Laws that governs how all results are manifested into our physical reality. The nature of our soul is to create and express it’s infinite potential. First we create a better world for ourselves and then for everyone we come in contact with.

Aligning with the flow and energy of the Universal Laws will make creating and manifesting effortless. Simply put, when we understand the Laws of the Universe — what they are, how they work, and how to apply them — life gets easier and more successful.

During this powerful program, you will:

•Develop and expand your understanding of who you truly are, beyond your physical body. You are far more powerful than you know yourself to be!

•Uncover what your limiting beliefs are in the areas of health, money, relationships and vocational success, and how they may have been holding you back from the success you desire up until now.

•Receive access to powerful tools that will help you re-pattern your belief system, so that you begin to feel in control of your results, rather than your results controlling you. The more you practice applying these tools, the more life starts to feel easier and more in flow.

•Discover the proven prosperity principles that many of history’s wealthiest and most successful people credit as the secrets to their phenomenal success.

The Law of Thinking

The Law of Supply

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Receiving

The Law of Increase

The Law of Compensation

The Law of Non-Resistance

The Law of Forgiveness

The Law of Sacrifice

The Law of Obedience

The Law of Success

“There’s a power within you, and within all of us, that’s far more greater than any circumstance, situation or condition you will ever find yourself in. Are you willing to unleash it?” --Mary Morrissey

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Standing Firm When Your World is Shaking

The Standing Firm Program is a proven path for surmounting seemingly impossible setbacks, challenges, or failures. Some of the most difficult times in our lives can leave us with feelings of despair, hopelessness, deep sadness and grief. Despite what has happened, the opportunity will rise again for you to become a better version of yourself because of how you view this experience.

In this 4 week class you will learn how to use the challenges in your life to build your resilience, to find your inner strength and the hidden resources of your soul and stand firm in your power. We will consider some spiritual principles that will support you in standing firm when your world is shaking.

These powerful tools will help you to create resilience, clarity and reconnect you to the power within you.

Week 1. The Dark Night is those difficult times in our life when we feel the light is not shining through us or on us. But we can shift our perspective to see the potentials and possibilities that can emerge from the darkest night.

Week 2. The Hero’s Journey is exploring the elements of The Departure, The Initiation, and The Return as you navigate through life’s tougher journey. You can have a difficult situation without allowing the difficulties to have you.

Week 3. Harvesting the Good from our circumstances so that we receive and learn the life lessons we are gifted with through difficult situations.

Week 4. New Beginning is a requirement from the challenging times to create a new result, a new life. We ask ourselves, what would I love to do, have, create, give? We listen to our heart, to our soul to be guided to a higher purpose.

“That in you which longs for more, is the same thing that makes a plant grow. It is LIFE itself seeking expression through you”. --Wallace Wattles

Book a free Discovery & Clarity session with me

  • We will look into what your longings, goals and dreams are.

  • You will receive greater clarity on what you would love to create, have, give or do.

  • You will receive insights into the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

  • I will strategize your next action step to start creating the results you are longing for.

  • At the end, if you would love to move forward, we can talk about working together.