Self education for your heart, mind, and soul with coaching to create a radiant, fulfilling life.

My Journey to Here

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As a Certified DreamBuilder Coach and Life Mastery Consultant, Arpita Angelyn Adams will help you to design and manifest a life that’s in harmony with your soul’s purpose. Arpita offers inspiring workshops as well as deep, transformational self education programs that will transform your life and help you achieve your goals and dreams.

 My VISION is to give clients the support, accountability, tools and techniques to help you create the transformation that you would love to have in all areas of your life. Our work starts with you been aware that you have dreams, goals and longings to be and do more. You are curious to know how you are creating results in your life or you already know that you are creating your life through your thoughts, feelings, choices and actions. You know you have the power within you, to transform those thoughts, release those limiting beliefs and vibrations/energies that are holding you back. I am here to help you create a life that you love and give your soul the opportunity to express its infinite potential even more.

 My work as a Transformational Life Coach is a combination of empathy, somatic, spiritual, and evocative coaching. This is an integration of my life journey and practices.

 My formal education is in accounting. I have an AAS in Accounting from LaGuardia Community College and a BBS in accounting from Baruch College. Both colleges are part of the City University of New York. After a few years of hard studying I passed the NY state CPA exams in 2003. Although I love accounting in both high school and college, but not when I started working as a bookkeeper. I did not like having to lose myself in the world of numbers.

 My spiritual path was pushed into an outward seeking for help in 1998, when my alcoholic boyfriend betrayed me and told me I was a co-dependent who needed to get help. I did seek help and woke up to the reality that ignorance is bliss. Along with getting a therapist I joined an Al-Anon group for 18 months.

 In 1999 found a Taoist master and studied with him for 6 years Tai chi, Chi kung, Taoist meditation, Tai chi knife, Tai chi sword, chi body work and deep breathing therapy. My learning evolved into been a Tai chi assistant teacher helping the new students learn the Tai chi form.

 From the Shamanic Drumming Circles I attended I found out about the Native American vision quest, Sun Dance and sweat lodge for healing. After a near death experience with drowning in 2004 I had a longing to experience the Native American ways of healing. I reached out to a medicine man in Nebraska and got to do a Sun Dance, did a vision quest and many sweat lodge ceremonies.

 In 2005 I met my current spiritual teacher Amma, the hugging Saint. Her motherly Divine Love, compassion and teachings has saved my heart, mind and soul and have transformed my life beyond words, these past 16 years. I became a devotee of the Divine Mother, seeing God as Divine Love in a feminine form.

 My love for somatic body work started the first time I saw Marian Rosen demonstrated a Rosen Method session and the transformation that occurred. It lit up my heart and the passion for accessing the unconscious through touch was born. I started studying the Rosen Method in 2007. Many years later I came to realize that somatic coaching is using the techniques of words for transformation but using the same inner skills of intuition, awareness, curiosity and holding space.

 When I was first introduced to Non-Violent Communication, NVC  (Compassionate Communication) in 2009 my heart got very excited and my passion for listening with empathy to practice compassionate communication started. The door to our inner power is open when we become aware and know what our feelings and our needs are. I am learning to listen with empathy to myself first, then extending this to others to create harmony.

 Another powerful technique that I was introduced to in 2010 is EFT or Tapping. It took many, many years of practice to start feeling it’s transformational results. I learned to listen to my intuition to find the words to speak to my body needed to hear while tapping. This started the shifting of the vibrations easily. I love helping clients to shift their vibrations and patterns with tapping.

 My love for healing the body through touch started when I was a little girl. I remembered how I used to touch people to let them know I love them, that I understood their pain. In 2002 I learned from my Tai chi teacher Chi Body Work, a style of bodywork that he had designed. I only practiced this on friends and family who told me I had healing hands. In 2009 I discovered my love for reflexology and became a Reflexologist. Doing this work I was asked if I did massage and was told again of my healing hands. This motivated to become a massage therapist and in 2012 got my certificate. My love for learning massage continued over the next 3 years with over 500 hours of classes. I became a massage instructor teaching Swedish, Lifestream, Hot Stone and Deep Tissue massage. I love teaching infant massage to parents and also self massage to women.

 Laughter yoga also attracted my heart for its healing and the releasing of seriousness and tensions. I became a Laughter Yoga leader in 2014 with Dr. Kataria of Laughter Yoga International. I love laughing with others, along with all its many benefits, as I lead laughter yoga classes.

 Been an avid gardener who loves to grow food, flowers, plants and fruit trees I became a Master Gardener in 2018 at the Palm Desert/Riverside County UC, so I could know and understand how to garden in the desert.

 In 2020 when I was introduced to evocative coaching, again my heart was excited to know of this way to help others transform and grow. I wanted to be of service in this way of transforming dreams into reality, transforming lives in a permanent way by connecting to the powers within and creating a life of true inner harmony. The training to be an evocative coach was hard work, but so much fun! It is a work in progress, with much to learn, requires daily practice and give many rewards. Learning and practicing this work was instrumental in transforming my life after my husband passed away. It helped me to pushed through my grief; shift my thoughts, and my feelings of depression to create a new life that I love. Every day I feel so grateful for the life that is expressing through me and for the opportunities my soul get to express itself.

 Some of my practices for transformation and healing include: chanting the 1000 names of the Divine Mother, singing devotional songs, mental worship, Tapping, Ho’Oponopono prayer, Integrated Amrita Meditation, Tai chi, Chi kung, Yoga, writing, daily gratitude & forgiveness practice, dancing, Laughter yoga, NVC-practicing empathy, hiking, gardening, volunteering.

Motivation, enthusiasm, everything comes from within — I’m here to help you reclaim your inner power.

Book a free Discovery & Clarity session with me

  • We will look into what your longings, goals and dreams are.

  • You will receive greater clarity on what you would love to create, have, give or do.

  • You will receive insights into the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

  • I will strategize your next action step to start creating the results you are longing for.

  • At the end, if you would love to move forward, we can talk about working together.